Catherine Richards
Creative Director
Trained in architecture, Catherine works between art and design mediums, building the Art Immersions community around the world. Catherine works on art and design production on various scales. She embodies, the total artwork, with all scales of an environment and experience created. She explores materials and perception with wearable art, textiles, sculpture and performance.
As a teacher and trip leader, Catherine works horizontally with diverse groups experience design, travel research and on skill building with a high level of craft through conceptual and process-oriented investigation. Teaching and research go hand in hand. She works horizontally on collaborations, is research-based in her production, and loves humor and imagination.
instagram @catherinerichardsart/
As a teacher and trip leader, Catherine works horizontally with diverse groups experience design, travel research and on skill building with a high level of craft through conceptual and process-oriented investigation. Teaching and research go hand in hand. She works horizontally on collaborations, is research-based in her production, and loves humor and imagination.
instagram @catherinerichardsart/
+1 - 929 - 244 - 9771